Purple has now turned blue... purple is joy, yet blue is hope!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Horoscope & Zodiac Prediction for 2009! [Update : 20090126]

Compiling these for you as a New Year sharing...

English - Zodiac
  1. 1) http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimalpredictions2009.htm
  2. 2) http://apps.facebook.com/chinesezodiac/
  3. 3) http://www.geomancyhut.com.sg/Zodiac%202009.pdf
  4. 4) http://www.wofs.com/index.php?option=com_content&Itemid=40&task=view&id=637
  5. 5) http://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2009/1/26/lifeliving/3024898&sec=lifeliving

English - Horoscope
  1. 1) http://www.lifepsychic.com/Horoscope/Predictions.aspx
  2. 2) http://www.horoscopezodiacsigns.com/ (with Zodiac predictions)
  3. 3) http://apps.facebook.com/cutehoroscopes/
  4. 4) http://www.foreverhoroscopes.com/
  5. 5) http://www.kamalkapoor.com/horoscope/yearly-horoscopes/

Chinese - Zodiac
  1. 1) http://www.dajiazhao.com/astro/2009yuncheng.asp
  2. 2) http://www.face21cn.com/net/2009nianyuncheng.htm
  3. 3) http://mindcity.sina.com.hk/MC-animal/ox.2009.html

Chinese - Horoscope
  1. 1) http://sunfate.sina.com.tw/FREE/12zodiac_year/index.asp
  2. 2) http://vitaminc.e-channel.info/read.php?801 (click next page for other horoscope sign)

Feng Shui
  1. 1) http://sunfate.sina.com.tw/hotnews/hot_show.asp?ano=20081231151829

By the way, received this via email.... (disclaimer : reference at your own risk, source of this chart was not traceable)

(Click for enlarged viewing)

If you happen to come by with good prediction site to share on, kindly email me at purpledee929[at]gmail[dot]com.

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