Some might knew I had my training (again) at Singapore earlier this week. It has been just a while since my last visit, but each visit had been kinda rush as my schedule and mind will be fully occupied with course material.... unlike most other training courses, both my trainings require me to complete an exam at the end of each course !!!! Gimme a break...
I planned to blog this even earlier on the night when I touched down, was even worry one might perceive me as 'Kiasu' as being so efficient in blogging - ya, I know I was at KiasuLand, can't help it much. But, it showed that I don't have much time to do so... ended up with the post only done today, Friday, the end of the week.... after my working hour :P
My schedule went just nice when I touched down last Sunday afternoon about 545pm @ Hilton Singapore. Headed immediately to Vivo City, where I need to meet my sis for dinner. I shopped for merely 1 hour for my intended work shoe, made a choice and decided just in few minutes - that was fast! Then, I went on and had nothing else in my mind to shop....
I so headed up to the top floor of Vivo City... I remember given a tour to this newly mall sometime 3 years ago, and I was introduced to their uniquely construct pool, which public could soak their legs in the pool after getting tired walking in the mall. The pool is just about the same like KLCC park, but its constructed with wooden flooring. Interestingly enough, I could see people been lying
, picnic'ing around with families,
pak-to'ing (dating) with their other half's, foreign workers miggling with their friends, single who are alone like me were wondering around enjoying the view and breeze, since they have views facing Sentosa island.
Some pictures below explains.
Pier/harbour... where Ferry to Batam island anchor...
Cable car to Sentosa island...
Under constructions Sentosa park/casino by Genting.
Pool at Vivo city... they call it Park Land if not mistaken.
Enjoying my breeze walk around.... observing every motion of people around, kinda imaging myself back at Yarra River at Melbourne on a chilling evening, back at Kota Kinabalu Likas Bay when I had outing with my ex-classmates, or having 'someone' with me chit-chatting all nite long... :)
Alright, I then met up my sis and we headed to a Chinese restaurant by the name of Dian Xiao Er (
店小二). It seems famous of its Duck dish. We made an order of a set dinner for 3, it was kinda worth it... total 4 dishes + 1 soup each, cost only SGD$58++ (excluding tax, tidbits and tea). The dishes comprised all below - lotus root soup, vegetable, black pepper pork rib, steamed fish and roasted herbal duck. Both pork rib and herbal duck was fantastic... but the person who treat wasn't too enjoy... blame it on the spicy black pepper of the rib... haha!
The official restaurant website -, thanks to the someone who treated me dinner (again) :P