Purple has now turned blue... purple is joy, yet blue is hope!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

The usage of Luffa Sponge (丝瓜)

Starting my 2009 new year with more healthy foods and products. It has been part of my new year resolutions, trying to achieve a healthier living as well as healthier diet throughout the year. Tell you a secret, I even dreamed of having nice and beautiful sandwich for my lunch, one day when I was still enjoying my new year holidays!

Appetite changes, that seems to be a good sign. But somehow, I still can't resist on some of my junk foods. Also, some adventurous 'babitarian' (pork meals) with my food buddies. We need to pampered with and enjoy foods out there once a while.

Anyway, I am not writing on food this time round. It's an introduction of the second Luffa sponge (干丝瓜) which I had bought recently. The first one was introduced to me by my Yoga instructor, and I got it for RM8 from an organic shop.

Luffah, also commonly known as Loofah or cucumber sponge, vegetable sponge or gourd sponge. It is an annual climbing vine which produces fruits just like cucumber, but it containing fibrous vascular system. When it gets separated from the skin, flesh and seeds, it can be used as bathroom sponge, dishwash sponge, packing material, making craft or as filters.

I am current using it as bathroom sponge, very good body scrubs with some particular techniques thought by my Yoga instructor. Based on some chinese beauty sites, the exact instructions are as below.

“洗刷刷”减肥法 5分钟减掉500卡热量


Starts to scrubs from the body parts furthest from your heart, best to start from your right foot, up to the tights and so on. Followon the upper part of your body, then your neck and chest towards your heart. Finally around your belly, best is clock wise direction.

http://baike.baidu.com/view/30646.htm (Chinese)

Coming next, this will be my mission:

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