There had been quite a number of fruit enzyme posts that I had posted
here and
this too. Anyway, I would wish to keep a record of those I have done, especially if I would have the chance to capture its process and picture.
Good to share around some tips and learnings (if there is any).
Before we start, let's take a look what is papaya. Find out more
here, in case you are not sure. Basically its a type of tropical fruit which is very common in South East Asia countries. It's easy to plant, I remember having them at my home backyard when I was young. Dad will teaches us to take care of our own papaya plant, sis and I have one each. Unfortunately, my sis plant (if she remember) was 'murdered' somehow.. hehe.. of course I am not that cruel to kill hers, but was done by some other.
Back to the fruit, I have got this naturally grown fruit from my grandma's home not long ago. Assuming it should be purely organically grown, with all 'natural' fertilizer grown. Best to use not-so-ripe fruits for enzyme making. Therefore, I go for the green one.

Steps of the making, is exactly the same method.. in short summary:
- 1. Make sure fruits and utensil are washed and dried up.
- 2. Cut papaya into small pieces.
- 3. Place some slices of lemon in between.
- 4. Place a layer of brown sugar, or oligo sugar. This is another replacement for Oligo, kind of organic Japanese radish sugar. See picture below)

- 5. Drip some wild honey after the layer of sugar.
- 6. Repeat steps above, till the end of bottle (not too full, give some room in between)
- 7. Keep bottle at cool dry place for 2 weeks.
- 8. Shake the bottle after day 2-3. Once every 1-2 days.
- 9. Sieve the juice and store them in fridge.
- 10. Best consume every 1st thing in the morning, with warm water.
* Note : Be extremely careful for keeping your hand and utensils dry, as extra 'water' will cause bacteria growth during fragmentation. Juices from the fruit will be just fine.

A week later it will look like this... bubble will show up, and its time to shake once a while.

Some article for sharing (in Chinese) -
http://www.cclw.net/experience/mugua.htm木瓜酵素的妙用 存在于木瓜中的乳状液汁,含有一种“木瓜酵素”(papain),尤其尚未熟成的青木瓜含量大约是红木瓜的2倍。它是最好的蛋白质分解酵素,可以帮助 人体分解肉类蛋白质,因此饭后食用,可以整肠助消化,有治疗肠胃炎、消化不良等疾病的效果。用于烹调中,就是我们常听到的“松肉粉”或是“嫩精”,嫩精的 作用是可以将肉类的结缔组织分解,让肉吃起来更鲜嫩,所以用木瓜炖肉,肉质也会更鲜嫩。另外,木瓜酵素能帮助分解并去除肌肤表面的老废角质,所以也常应用 在化妆品及保养品中。- Green papaya has 2x more enzyme than ripe papaya.
- Good as Protein absorbing enzyme.
- Consume after food will help digestion
- Papaya enzyme could remove dead cell from skin, commonly used on cosmetic product