At times, some could see me sitting quietly web surfing or IM'ing with my beloved J-book (named after its Joybook!). With a J-book, I am preparing myself for a soon upcoming boring and restless trips. I need my beloved accompany to cheer me up. How could I get myself online at places without WiFi and internet access?
We heard a lot of 3G, 3.5G, WiMax, etc.... of internet connection in the market lately. Mind me, I don't think I am up-to-date enough with all the technologies out there. Seeing a friend of mine whom usually gets connected with his BB BlackBerry, I was kind of wondering if I could do so with my current Sony Ericsson z610 pinky phone and its Digi Prepaid subsription. Understand Digi has currently only up to EDGE connection, slighly below expectation compare to 3G.
Anyway, guess I will not explain much on the difference of such connection type, those who interested could get the explanation from I would just show what I discovered and experienced with my current phone.
- Software : Sony Ericsson PC Suite 4.0 (downloadable from SE website)
- Phone : Sony Ericsson z610 pinky flip phone
- Service Provider : Digi Prepaid Plus
- Phone Connection : Via USB
First Test (click pic to enlarge)

I then browse through their website (2nd pic above), read its condition and found out that.... "you only need to pay when do make a data transfer". No wonder. But then, I found out the website has a minor error - misstated "GPRS" as "GPSR".
Weirdly, I saw the there was UMTS (3G) connection stated in the software. So, does it means the Digi has its connection improved from EDGE to 3G at certain network coverage area? Not sure.... let's give my geek friend homework to further research.
Second Test (click pic to enlarge)

The Result : I managed to gain only Good Reception, compared to the first test. Same thing, I have got a UMTS (3G) connection too. Unfortunately, the speed had dropped to 115kpbs.
I did some browsing to my blogsite -, with lots of photo loading... the browsing time was not too bad. Acceptable. Thus, I am quite satisfied with its performance.
Finally, I came by to the Digi's OCS site again, checked my itemized billing.... GUESS WHAT I GOT???? Total bill of RM2.60 for barely 4+ minutes of webbrowsing. Oh no, I felt the pain. Somewhat expansive from what I expect. Looks like I can only use this connection when I am desperately wanting to get online. I learned a lesson here... hehe
Conclusion..... I wonder if I would need to convert to Digi's Postpaid + data package. According to my friend, it only cost additional RM66 for data package. Seems it can be something to-be considered. When??? Will see.
One thing I have yet to resolve, was the the Bluetooth connection to my phone set via SE PC Suite software. Wonder if I should use other freeware/software out there instead.
I have been a loyal Digi Prepaid customer for the past 11 years. Averagely I will only hit RM100/3 months. I was so used to reloading my prepaid phone every 3 months. Even that, I will always have balance of RM100++. Somehow, I noticed Digi has slightly changed the Prepaid plan, and my expiry was extended till 12 months instead of every 3 months. But they encourage RM200 and above reload within the period of 3 months, giving addition % of talktime. I had just reloaded my Prepaid for that reason, so.. let's see for another first 3 months of 2009 if that will push me to switch to Postpaid plan.
Till then.